With initial efforts aimed at swinging upcoming German elections and discrediting Ukraine, Russia's "Doppelganger" influence operations have expanded to the BlueSky social media platform. It took the Russians a while to get around to it, but they've finally begun running their disinformation operat...
Keep in mind that state propaganda doesn't equate misinformation. This very article is western state propaganda ("kyivinsider" using "alliance4europe" as a source for the article), and the report is most likely true. You don't need to strictly lie or misinform to create state propaganda, you just need to propagate your talking points and direct the public discourse to given topics. We're very concerned about Russian propaganda (and rightfully so) but, fuck, we've been literally supporting a genocide and all the state propaganda from our own western countries was directing ourselves in other direction, maybe we should worry about that too. We're literally consuming state propaganda right now in this article.