Aside from the mods and name, what makes this different from [email protected]?
(Although the community shows as "Touhou Art" the actual link is [email protected].) Both allow discussion but in practice are just images with very few comments. To the credit of both, you have to source any image posted unless you made it yourself. I'm curious if there is any difference between the two besides who the mods are and the display names, or if two Touhou lovers both decided to make a community independently and they kind of turned out the same. Asking out of genuine curiosity, not sure how to reword the title to be less dismissive and hostile. I know duplicate communities happen on Lemmy all the time, perhaps some with nuances distinguishing them that I am not always aware of.
There was a conflict with MentalEdge and I banned them from this community. M.E. decided to invest into community on instead. They later got unbanned, but continued to invest into other community to avoid risks of getting banned again and losing access to their posts. I would like to not add more details to keep this conflict from defrosting, but you can find out more about it here: and (post deleted by author, so not sure if you can see it). There is also a modlog, I didn't have to deal with anything extreme (like cp guro etc), so you can safely peek into it.
Understandable, thanks for explaining! I'll look into it now. Just a confused Touhou fan trying to figure out which one to follow. I usually go to the community with more people but I also like to support anime/manga things on