What's the biggest overkill you've ever had?
What's the biggest overkill you've ever had?

631086 / 3200 = 197.2
I scored 197× the threshold here with a hearts flush, leading with a face card. Two bloodstones, multiple retriggers, and a photograph.
(I lost this run.)
Just got about 1000x the required score on a single hand. Not the highest stake but whatever
2 0 Reply4.029e25÷1.032e22=15866
2 0 ReplyNice. I think your calculation is wrong, though. e25 should be on the scale of 1000× larger than e22. I got an overkill of 3904 for your score. Still way higher than mine!
4 0 ReplyYou know, I actually thought it looked off when I saw it too, but just posted what my calculator told me haha.
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