Opposing War. What Should Be Done? ACG Online Public Meeting, January 15th
Opposing War. What Should Be Done? ACG Online Public Meeting, January 15th
Opposing War. What should be done?A discussion meeting on how we can develop a practical internationalist postion in the face of war escalation.Wednesday, January 15 · 7 – 8:30pmAt the…

Opposing War. What should be done? A discussion meeting on how we can develop a practical internationalist postion in the face of war escalation. Wednesday, January 15 · 7 – 8:30pm At the moment, revolutionaries upholding internationalist positions are in a minority. Many have embraced support for one side in the conflicts created by capitalism, either supporting Russia or the Ukraine, or siding with Hamas in the mayhem unleashed in the Gaza strip, Lebanon and the wider Middle East.Some questions need answering. How do we increase the audience for an internationalist position that opposes imperialist war? How do we give practical solidarity to those directly effected by war, to the war resisters, conscientious objectors, draft dodgers and deserters who have risked much, whether in Russia, Ukraine or Israel? How do we sabotage the war efforts? This and other questions raised by the drive to war will be addressed at an online meeting with a speaker from the Anarchist Communist Group as well as a range of guest speakers There will be plenty of time for discussion.As well as a speaker from the ACG, there will be speakers from Old Moles Collective- Old.moles.collective @gmail.com ,Alex Alder, author of https://libcom.org/…/british-anarchism-succumbs-war-feverand Jan, an antimilitarist activist