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SCP - Locations of Interest

The Foundation has identified a number of locations around the world (and beyond it) that are actively anomalous and support permanent communities. While these places would generally be given an SCP designation and evacuated, in some cases this is not possible, due to practical or political constraints. Although not all Locations of Interest are fully controlled by the Foundation, containment measures are in place to ensure that the general public remains unaware of their existence or anomalous nature.

An inhabited anomalous location designated as a Nexus permits residents to remain within it, under the supervision of the Foundation or another Group of Interest, since the anomalous properties of a Nexus generally cannot extend beyond its borders. Additionally, the Foundation has permitted the existence of a number of Free Ports, paranormal enclaves and other locations accessible only through anomalous means, within which the concealment and containment of anomalies is unnecessary. These communities are usually self-managed, with observation from the Foundation and local governments to ensure that anomalous phenomena remain within the Free Port. A number of additional Locations of Interest are known to the Foundation at this time, ranging in scale from small towns to entire countries, as well as entire alternate realities accessible from our own.