There wasn't time to run a 50 state primary. It takes 6 months to do that and Joe stepped down with about 1/2 that time remaining before the election and a month before the Democratic convention.
There was time, but the party simply wasn't interested in the will of the voters. We knew from the 2020 election Biden would not last another election cycle and we also knew that the party would do anything to subvert the will of the voters when they ran hard against the person with the biggest grassroots support.
People can tell themselves all the anecdotes and excuses they want about why democrats could not do better, but the truth is democratic politicians are only opposition to republican politicians in rhetoric. Republicans and democrats prefer one or the other remain in power so they can both keep grifting the American people with culture war while they rob the American people of their means and resources to support the colonial project that continues to destroy sovereign nations around the world. They all always vote for their own benefits to increase and to send money wherever possible for war while telling citizens to pinch their pockets and beg for donations.
Was wondering how long it was going to take for one of you to whip out the bOoTLiCkEr accusation. It goes hand-in-hand with the bOtH siDeS ideology which is the basis for your every argument.