I'm continuing my playthrough of Soshiro's route in Jack Jeanne! This time I'm also trying to clear all of the songs on extreme difficulty \o/ I've just finished the first play, and it actually didn't differ that much from the version on Suzu's route 🤔
I actually opened a NSFW otome game for the first time in my life! Not usually my thing, but I was specifically looking for a more dominant MC—not necessarily in the NSFW sense, just a lady who might tease her LIs or even just make an advance on the LIs would have also been what I was looking for. (I've also been playing Dragon Age: Origins, and the fact I can hit on dudes before they hit on me is much appreciated.) Sadly the otome games that offer a dominant MC are far and few between, so I ended up needing to venture into NSFW to find some more. It was pretty short but definitely delivered on the character dynamics I was looking for, especially at the beginning before all the NSFW activity began to occur.
Definitely grateful to people who make content with a more forward/dominant MC. If I ever get my stuff together and make an otome I want to help make some more…