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Largest U.S. hospital owner accused in lawsuit of endangering staff during coronavirus pandemic Largest U.S. hospital owner accused in lawsuit of endangering staff during coronavirus pandemic

The suit alleges that HCA-owned Southern California's Riverside Community Hospital failed to provide workers with adequate protective equipment.

Largest U.S. hospital owner accused in lawsuit of endangering staff during coronavirus pandemic

Grupa pracowników ochrony zdrowia pozwała szpital o to że nie zapewnił im masek i innych środków ochrony przed pandemią.

W Polsce też by się takie pozwy przydały, w przychodniach nie nosi już masek nikt. No ale nie ma nakazu, więc narażanie ludzi jest ok... Nie wiem jak to wyglądałoby w Polsce pod względem prawnym.

"A group of health workers and their union sued the nation's largest hospital chain, accusing an HCA Healthcare medical center of recklessly endangering staff and patients by violating federal coronavirus guidance on protective equipment."

Informacje ze świata nbnd

Largest U.S. hospital owner accused in lawsuit of endangering staff during coronavirus pandemic

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