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Europe DankZedong

80% of Belgian employers do not want to give out compensation cheque of 750 euro

Context: Belgian wages are (for a lot of people) tied to the inflation, meaning if inflation is 2%, wages HAVE to be raised at least 2%. So for januari 2023, the wages wil rise with the official percentage of 11.xx%. This is not a raise, it's a compensation for the increase in cost of living at best.

A week or something ago the government allowed companies to not raise wages above the inflation index for two years, effectively blocking Belgian employees from getting a raise. To 'compensate' workers, the government allowed companies to give out cheques of up to 750 euro if they wanted to. 80% are now saying that they won't, meaning Belgian employees get nothing really.

Unions have already called for new nation wide actions on december 16th.