I care about a friend far more than a lover. I'm a lifer, if at all. My challenge has always been finding someone on the same level. I'm not super smart and not super dumb, but I have a lot of interests, things I would benefit from talking out, and prefer an allied mindset.
I've had casual years and no problem emotionally with recreational sex, enjoyed it. I can monogamy if my partner stays interested in sex. So one, as long as we can do it every day, and he fits.
Different guy every day? No way, 75% of them would probably suck, and the ones that were good I wouldn't be able to see again, so no. Variety is less important to me than good sex.
New partner every day. Variety is the spice of life. Plus your more likely to have a larger group of children having sex 365 days a year with different people. That's a lot of genetic diversity! That's Genghis Khan levels of success
Friends and buddies can fill the sustainable emotional needs.