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What are you playing this week of December 22, 2024?

Weekly what are you playing post! Post about the otome games you have been playing!

  • I finally finished Virche Evermore! I didn't 100% it, but I got most of all the CGs and was eager to move on to another game, so I will consider it done for now and move on to the next game. I'm playing Angelique Luminarise, which I thought would be a cakewalk after playing literally every other Angelique game, but... I'm not sure if I'm going to win this time 😭 But I'm having fun! Even if the queen exam is making me lose my mind. I've been liveblogging it on my personal site, if I'm allowed to self-promo.

    • Reading your liveblog. (Self-promo is allowed, just use your common sense with it! All otome content, including otome stuff you made yourself, is allowed. What isn't allowed is spam: so no daily devblog updates from otome devs when we only get a few posts a week.)

      I do not understand Japanese, am curious about Angelique, and forgot if Angelique has any English patches or releases. Thanks for posting translations for non-JP-capable people reading your liveblog, I am very aware translation takes time and effort so really, thank you.

      Liking this artstyle. It doesn't feel retro so I checked the date the game was released and it turns out it is fairly recent!

      Also, I appreciate you joining the community, especially because it means even more diversity in LI tastes. I try to just post otome in general, but I'm naturally more likely to know about, and thus post, stuff to my taste. Long-haired LIs just don't do it for me, so I appreciate that they get love from you.

      Damn I forgot that some people assume kids come with marriage, which is probably why the game presents the career/man dichotomy, as proxy for the career/family one. I really liked the idea of competing to be queen while also having love interests, having to choose one or another puts a big damper on my enthusiasm. Also, you are correct: in the United States of America people usually do not stop working once they get married. (Sometimes it's out of economic need for two incomes in order to survive, sometimes just desire for more money to make life more comfortable/enjoyable even if they could survive on one income, sometimes because both like their jobs.) It's the event of having a child that makes people consider "do I stop my job to switch to the job of homemaking/childcare for our child", not marriage. And not all couples have or want kids.

      Bird universe? I am curious.

      I'll be honest I am a girl and I never got girl time either, I'd absolutely love to have girl time with Reina.

      and no one should get used to it since theyre all about to submit to me in <5 months.

      This makes me even more curious about the bird universe.

      Whether the devs did it as a feminist thing or not, I enjoy when rival/competing characters are not antagonistic. I'm very used to them being so so I always like it when they are not~

      I feel you on choosing answers you would not in real life to be liked by the LIs, even if you were trying to play through by choosing answers you would. Real me is honest and upfront in most cases. Real me likes to self-insert but also wants to see these fictional characters fall in love, and sometimes I'll compromise my answer because I think the game will probably penalize me for choosing it instead of progressing the romance.

      i know the guys feel ??? when they walk me home after a date and then later see me walking past their office window to invite another guy out

      jealousy? 👀 fictional jealousy is so fun i love to see it

      I love seeing what the LIs think of us, something MC can't see, especially when they are falling for us. Glad this game delivers on that with Felix. Although him being a judgmental jerk is not great. It's possible to be intense and devoted to your work without being… you know.

      Felix: I just do what's in front of me. I suggest you do the same.


      Felix: You must think that if you act careless, someone will come save you. Is that how you've lived up until now?

      What an assumption to make. Fuck off. As much as I do like sweet innocent heroines who win the day by purity of heart, I would like to also see ones who are just as good hearted and kind and helpful to strangers, but also can stand up for themselves and will not let comments like that just pass. Not asking to have her 180 her personality into some fiery sassmaster, I tend not to like those types, but it's possible to be assertive and not allow people to speak to you like that without getting aggressive or mean yourself.

      Not sure if this is intentional or just a mobile bug. Clicking on Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4 of your liveblog sends me all to the same page, without skipping down to a specific spot on that page.

      • I've seen multiple people see that having to choose between being queen/having a boyfriend sucks, but it doesn't bother me because I start saving often when I feel the LI is about to confess his love to me, and when it happens I read all of that ending and get my CG(s) and whatever, then load up the save from before that happened and focus on becoming queen without doing anything that'll make him do something rash like confess his undying love. (You can also reject the confession, by the way. In fact, you could get the option to confess first and he could reject you. Boy do I love RNGs.)

        Because the goal of most Angelique games is to become queen, "they're all going to submit to me in <5 months" is referencing me becoming queen, and thus their boss, very soon. It's never taken me over 150 in-game days to beat a game, which is just below 5 months.

        There are different universes with different guardians! The Holy/Sacred/etc. Bird Universe is where you meet the first set of guardians, the Holy/Sacred/etc. Beast is where we get the second set, and this game takes place in the Frozen Owl Universe. Slash mark between holy and sacred because the first two universes use different kanjis for their names but they mean nearly the same thing... I think later in the liveblog I may have called it the Sacred Bird Universe, but I'm making my mind up right now: The first one should be called Divine Bird and second Sacred Beast. Final answer.

        Now I haven't figured out if this is mere coincedince or not, but when I had high intimacy with one character (Clavis) and another character (Lumiale) who was his closest friend when I started the game, I noticed eventually that when I checked his relationship chart thing his highest relationship was now some other guy, not Lumiale. So I wondered if by going on dates with them both I was tearing their relationship apart 😭 I haven't figured out how relationships between the NPCs change yet.

        I hope the links are fixed now! I beat the game, so feel free to read the rest at your leisure. Not that there's a lot to read... I did not make the best decisions! LOLL