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aichat, i have some questions about lore and rentry seems to need a access code.

is there anyway to make character-specific lore work in other characters threads, i know i can just add a lorebook to the new thread but i want to add character specific lore.

also is there a specific way that works better for lorebooks? here are two examples

also don't know if this is being addressed but when lorebooks are loaded from rentry this pops up in '/lore' so i guess a code is now needed.

To access the raw version of this page, a valid access code must be set in the metadata: SECRET_RAW_ACCESS_CODE.

You may request an access code by emailing

An access code may be used on any number of pages.

You may also use this access code as a header in your request, which will give you access to any post's /raw/ page

This system was a necessary addition due to extensive misuse by bad actors posting malware snippets and getting us into a lot of trouble with our web hosts and domain registrars.

SECRET_RAW_ACCESS_CODE = 12345 Example Header: rentry-auth : 12345</p>

and is there a way to get this to work:

              [A]                    [B]
╔═══════════════╗     ╔═══════════════╗
|     @         |     |      Docks     |
|               |     |   and harbour  |
╠═══════╗   ╔═══╣     ╠═══════╗   ╔═══╣
| Cafe  |   |Bar|     | Tavern|   |Inn|
╠═══════╣   ╠═══╣     ╠═══════╣   ╠═══╣
|       |   |   |     |       |   |   |
╚═══════╝   ╚═══╝     ╚═══════╝   ╚═══╝
                       [D]                    [C]
- [A] is park entrance, 200m away
- "@" is your location
- [B] leads to docks/harbour, 600m away
- [C] leads to residential, 1.2km away
- [D] leads to marketplace, 800m away
- Distances in m
- "╔" and "╝" are walls
- "╠" and "╣" are doorways
