Captured with the Rodenstock 138mm/6.5 HR Digaron-SW lens (@ f/7.1), Phase One IQ4-150 back (@ ISO 50, 1/125 sec), Cambo WRS 1250 camera. Stitched panorama of two images, shifted left and right +/- about 18mm.
This view reminded me of Malvina Reynolds's famous 1962 song (though she was inspired by another San Francisco neighborhood - Daly City). If you look closely, the houses don't quite "all look just the same", but somehow, on the hillside there's more uniformity than there is up close.
yes, Matt's image is a very different view than the hackneyed standard Daly City postcard. Which would be better rendered with an easel and pastels than Kodachrome anyway.
Matt's use of digital B&W in the built-environment particularly is approaching a digital Ansel Adams for a new century.
This is an image that works best at the highest resolution. The Rodenstock 138mm lens has extraordinary edge-to-edge sharpness and a general lack of distortion that makes it especially well suited to wide stitched panoramas like this one.
The effect is sort like Where's Waldo; the whole is shown mainly to invite you into the details.