Captured with the Rodenstock 40mm/4.0 HR Digaron-W lens (@ f/5.6), Phase One IQ4-150 digital back (@ ISO 50), Cambo 1200 camera (shifted vertically -8mm).
Opened as the London headquarters for the Michelin Tyre Co in 1911, and now a mixed commercial building, the Art Nouveau Michelin House features whimsical tire-themed ornaments and stained glass windows with the original Michelin Man "Bibendum" character in various, generally terrifying, poses.
@[email protected] Do you rent lenses? If so, do you typically rent them from one supplier and take them with you, or do you find a rental business where you're going, or some combination?
(I'm assuming you've sprung for the IQ4 since you use it so often, but I guess that doesn't /have/ to be the case either...)
@[email protected] A much milder version of Daft Automotive architecture is in Grinnell, Iowa’s downtown historic district. I believe this was purpose built as a multi-bay garage but am too lazy rn to pull up the nomination form’s inventory.
@[email protected] IDK but that motif seems to have used widely. The facade of the Capital Garage in downtown DC—allegedly the largest parking garage in the world at the time it was built—had something even more elaborate, albeit not as three-dimensional.
@[email protected] @[email protected] Still there - I use a hotel just past it regularly. I’ll get you a picture next time I am there there - it is lovely (and fully in use)