I have been competing with Microsoft for 30 years and one thing they have never done is to play fair. There is a reason why we are joining with others to get this right.
I have been competing with Microsoft for 30 years and one thing they have never done is to play fair. There is a reason why we are joining with others to get this right.
@[email protected] considering the fact that Vivaldi is the only decent chromium-based browser available on linux, yeah, I'd say you'd trash them on a leveled play field; but fighting on their home is crazy when they can pull stuff like this without any repercussions. I doubt Google will actually be forced to sell anything for example; Microsoft already avoided that fate years ago and Apple is untouchable for some unknown reason (at least in USA)
@[email protected] I suppose I'm curious how you're viewing even more evidence of monopolistic behavior - this time from Google as well.
I'll admit I was tempted to say (ala Ben Collins with Infowars), that you had the chance to do the funniest thing ever by buying Chrome if the sale were ever to get forced :P . (Even though I know that would likely never happen)
@[email protected] , we are as a small company competing with some of the largest in the world: Microsoft, Google and Apple. I wish I could say one of them was always doing the right thing. I cannot. It has been frustrating.
It is not easy. We make our software available on their platforms and we need them to play fair. They do not.
Our goal is to build great software for our users and supporting services as well. That is really what we can do and we hope to win over a lot of users doing just that.
@[email protected] I remember seeing this picture somewhere thinking it was a joke... I think the reason for the aggressiveness is that they are ALL IN on datamining and revolve their future business model on that. In that regard, not being able to datamine your browsing is a pretty big hit even though they will still be datamining you through office, os features, personal files (onedrive) and even games. I believe their insane investments into game studios and gamepass also has to do with datamining.