it's raining hot death in Minnesota
it's raining hot death in Minnesota
Turns out it was just a glitch with my weather app. It's only 109°
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Water boils at 100°, your app is glitching hard.
22 13 ReplyIt's Minnesota in the US, so pretty sure it's in Fahrenheit. Though it should be like, 40° F there (4.4° C)
18 1 ReplyLooks like it might have thought 40°F was 40°C, and converted it again to F then
10 1 ReplyI just checked as well and was confused.
My colleagues live in that state and was about to reach out.
2 0 ReplyWe're good
2 0 Reply
We use Fahrenheit here. But it's a moist heat
12 0 ReplyNot in freedom units! Here in the land of the free! water boils at 212°
9 0 Reply
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