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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 27 Jul 2023

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  • My department at work is collapsing. Our budget was dramatically cut, and my direct team in Melbourne has dropped from 8 or 9, down to 3 (farewell drinks for one tonight), and they aren't being replaced. Other big changes coming... Interesting times. Mood and motivation is down in the team. It will continue because it must, and will be profitable in some form, but I don't know what that form will be at the moment, it's all still up in the air. My job is safe I believe, I'm too expensive to make redundant and can be moved elsewhere. I'm just kind of a fly on the wall of my first major shift like this in a business. Just venting a bit I guess.

    • Can be rattling when most of a department is set loose. I ended up leaving my last long-term job (in 2019) when a new GM came in and fired half of our billing and customer service teams. Told her to suck my dick on the way out and now can't use her as a ref lol.

      If you do end up leaving, because the culture and attitudes have changed, do not burn bridges 😅

    • I’m sorry to hear that. What will it mean for you in the future and for your team?

      Losing more than half the people is devastating if the remaining needs to shoulder the burden of those who left.

      • Not sure what it means yet. A whole other team is being dissolved and others are picking up their work. Big restructure underway. I think most of the lay-offs are done with, but still remains to be seen where things will end up. Our advertising budget was cut too, so in theory less work coming in, and less for us to do, but it's still very new and developing.

    • I feel like this is happening quite a bit across the board. Companies have made cuts before the EOFY and either there will be no replacement or any roles not filled will be challenged and made difficult to approve. Other than people who may have got a promotion out of the latest restructure, everyone else is confused, pissed off, or both. Weird, uncertain, and crazy times.