Linxicon - #273
Linxicon - #273
Game #273
Shortest path: 8 (Avg. 6.1)
Total words: 27 (Avg. 19.4)
π¦π¦πͺπ¦π₯π₯π₯π₯ | π₯ 3
Cool concept, but it's not smart enough yet. It doesn't connect 'understand' to 'get', or 'relate' to 'connect', either of which would have finished the game for me.
2 0 ReplyI still enjoy it, but at the moment the game's more 'guess what the game's ai would think' instead of what i believe is intended.
1 0 Reply
Game #273 Shortest path: 8 (Avg. 7.2) Total words: 11 (Avg. 19) π¦π¦π¦πͺπͺπͺπ₯π₯ | π₯ 3 #Linxicon
2 0 Reply