Why is my 3d pointer not being displayed in my webapp?
Why is my 3d pointer not being displayed in my webapp?
cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/46067136
I'm designing a webapp that is supposed to be an AR environment on your phone, to be viewed with something like Google Cardboard, but I am having an issue that the segmentPointer object that is meant to appear when clicking on an object is not.
I've checked the geometry displays correctly in a sandbox, and when I change it to a 3d object rather than shapeGeometry it does display, but I cannot figure out why it is not displaying how I want it to.
The project is at https://voxelverse.jackgreenearth.org, and the code is quite long, but it is here to read in its totality below as it might need the whole context to discover the error. I've tried myself looking through the code, and I've tried searching the web and asking LLMs, but I couldn't figure it out, so please help me, fellow humans.
Tap for code
"use strict"; import \* as THREE from 'three'; import {GLTFLoader} from 'three/addons/loaders/GLTFLoader.js'; \ const loader = new GLTFLoader(); const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader(); const manager = THREE.DefaultLoadingManager; \ // Basic functions \ function ls(id) { return(localStorage.getItem(id)); }; \ function setLs(id, val) { localStorage.setItem(id, val); }; \ function byId(id) { return(document.getElementById(id)); }; \ function bySel(sel) { return(document.querySelector(sel)); }; \ function byClass(id) { return(document.getElementsByClassName(id)); }; \ function toTitleCase(str) { return str.replace( /\w\S\*/g, function(txt) { return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase(); } ); }; \ function randInt(max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() \* (max)); }; \ function getRandomFloat(min, max, decimals) { return(parseFloat((Math.random() \* (max - min) + min).toFixed(decimals))); }; \ function confine(value, min, max) { if(value < min) { return(min); } else if(value > max) { return(max); } else { return(value); }; }; \ function wrap(value, min, max) { const range = max - min; \ if(value < min) { return(wrap(value + range, min, max)); } else if(value > max) { return(wrap(value - range, min, max)); } else { return(value); }; }; \ function removeFromArray(array, forDeletion) { return(array.filter(item => !forDeletion.includes(item))); }; \ function radToDeg(radians) { return radians \* (180 / PI); } \ function range(start, stop, step = 1) { if (stop === undefined) { stop = start; start = 0 } return Array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step }, (\_, i) => start + (i \* step)); } \ function between(variable, min, max, inclusive='min') { switch(inclusive) { case 'none': return((variable > min) && (variable < max)); break; case 'both': return((variable >= min) && (variable <= max)); break; case 'min': return((variable >= min) && (variable < max)); break; case 'max': return((variable > min) && (variable <= max)); break; } } \ function download(data, filename, type) { var file = new Blob(\[data], {type: type}); if (window\.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) // IE10+ window\.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(file, filename); else { // Others var a = document.createElement("a"), url = URL.createObjectURL(file); a.href = url; a.download = filename; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); setTimeout(function() { document.body.removeChild(a); window\.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 0); }; }; \ function log(text) { console.log(text); }; \ function distance2d(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return(Math.sqrt( (Math.abs(x1 - x2) \*\* 2) + (Math.abs(y1 - y2) \*\* 2) )); }; \ function distance3d(p1 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), p2 = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0)) { return(Math.sqrt((distance2d(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) \*\* 2) + (Math.abs(p1.z - p2.z) \*\* 2))); }; \ let totalElementsToLoad = 0; let numberOfElementsLoaded = 0; \ function onAllElementsLoaded() { \ } \ function load(path, type, functionOnLoad) { totalElementsToLoad += 1; \ if(type == 'html') { fetch(path) .then(response => response.text()) .then(html => { let doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"); \ functionOnLoad(doc); \ // If all elements to load have been loaded, execute the relevant function numberOfElementsLoaded += 1; if(numberOfElementsLoaded == totalElementsToLoad) { onAllElementsLoaded(); } }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); } else if(type == 'json') { fetch(path) .then(response => response.json()) // parse the response as JSON .then(json => { functionOnLoad(json); \ // If all elements to load have been loaded, execute the relevant function numberOfElementsLoaded += 1; if(numberOfElementsLoaded == totalElementsToLoad) { onAllElementsLoaded(); } }) .catch(error => { console.error(error); }); } } \ // Setup \ const PI = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971; \ // Objects \ let orientation = { 'absolute': false, 'alpha': 0, 'beta': 0, 'gamma': 0 } \ // vars const fps = 60; \ let keysDown = \[]; let pointerPosition = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'positions': \[{'clientX': 0, 'clientY': 0}], 'type': 'mouse'}; \ // Camera let cameraRotation = new THREE.Euler(0, 0, 0, 'YXZ'); let cameraTargetRotation = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}; const cameraRotationSensitivity = 0.002; \ // Other variables let logicInterval; \ // Load default settings let defaultSettings; \ load("/assets/json/default-settings.json", 'json', function(defset) { defaultSettings = defset; \ // Create custom settings if(!Object.keys(localStorage).includes('settings')) { setLs('settings', JSON.stringify({})); }; \ onSettingsLoad(); }); \ function settingURL(url, addValue=true) { return('children/' + url.split('/').join('/children/') + (addValue ? '/value' : '')); } \ function customiseSetting(url, value) { url = settingURL(url).split('/'); \ let newSettings; \ function recursiveSet(object, list, index, setTo) { // If the current component is the last one, assign the value if(index == list.length - 1) { object\[list\[index]] = setTo; return(object); } else { // Check if it already contains the value if(object.hasOwnProperty(list\[index])) { object\[list\[index]] = recursiveSet(object\[list\[index]], list, index + 1, setTo); } else { object\[list\[index]] = recursiveSet({}, list, index + 1, setTo); } return(object); } }; \ newSettings = recursiveSet(JSON.parse(ls('settings')), url, 0, value); \ setLs('settings', JSON.stringify(newSettings)); } \ function getSetting(url, addValue) { url = settingURL(url, addValue).split('/'); \ function recursiveGet(object, list, index) { // If the current component is the last one, return the value if (index == list.length - 1) { return object\[list\[index]]; } else { // Check if it contains the value if (object.hasOwnProperty(list\[index])) { return recursiveGet(object\[list\[index]], list, index + 1); } else { return null; // No such setting } } } \ // Try to find it in local settings first, otherwise get it from defaultSettings const localGet = recursiveGet(JSON.parse(ls('settings')), url, 0); if(localGet == null) { return(recursiveGet(defaultSettings, url, 0)); } else { return(localGet); } } \ // First, lets define some functions // Rendering functions \ // Thanks, https\://discourse.threejs.org/t/roundedrectangle-squircle/28645! function roundRectangleGeometry(w, h, r, s) { // width, height, radius corner, smoothness // helper const's const wi = w / 2 - r; // inner width const hi = h / 2 - r; // inner height const w2 = w / 2; // half width const h2 = h / 2; // half height const ul = r / w; // u left const ur = ( w - r ) / w; // u right const vl = r / h; // v low const vh = ( h - r ) / h; // v high let positions = \[ -wi, -h2, 0, wi, -h2, 0, wi, h2, 0, -wi, -h2, 0, wi, h2, 0, -wi, h2, 0, -w2, -hi, 0, -wi, -hi, 0, -wi, hi, 0, -w2, -hi, 0, -wi, hi, 0, -w2, hi, 0, wi, -hi, 0, w2, -hi, 0, w2, hi, 0, wi, -hi, 0, w2, hi, 0, wi, hi, 0 ]; let uvs = \[ ul, 0, ur, 0, ur, 1, ul, 0, ur, 1, ul, 1, 0, vl, ul, vl, ul, vh, 0, vl, ul, vh, 0, vh, ur, vl, 1, vl, 1, vh, ur, vl, 1, vh, ur, vh ]; let phia = 0; let phib, xc, yc, uc, vc, cosa, sina, cosb, sinb; for (let i = 0; i < s \* 4; i ++) { phib = Math.PI \* 2 \* ( i + 1 ) / ( 4 \* s ); cosa = Math.cos( phia ); sina = Math.sin( phia ); cosb = Math.cos( phib ); sinb = Math.sin( phib ); xc = i < s || i >= 3 \* s ? wi : - wi; yc = i < 2 \* s ? hi : -hi; positions.push( xc, yc, 0, xc + r \* cosa, yc + r \* sina, 0, xc + r \* cosb, yc + r \* sinb, 0 ); uc = i < s || i >= 3 \* s ? ur : ul; vc = i < 2 \* s ? vh : vl; uvs.push( uc, vc, uc + ul \* cosa, vc + vl \* sina, uc + ul \* cosb, vc + vl \* sinb ); phia = phib; } const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry( ); geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( positions ), 3 ) ); geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( uvs ), 2 ) ); return geometry; } \ // Render function render() { requestAnimationFrame(render); leftRenderer.render(scene, leftCamera); rightRenderer.render(scene, rightCamera); \ framesSoFar++; }; \ // Functions function setCameraRotation() { // Calculate drag cameraRotation.x = Number((cameraRotation.x + ((cameraTargetRotation.x - cameraRotation.x) / getSetting('Input/Mouse/Camera Rotation Drag'))).toFixed(5)); cameraRotation.y = Number((cameraRotation.y + ((cameraTargetRotation.y - cameraRotation.y) / getSetting('Input/Mouse/Camera Rotation Drag'))).toFixed(5)); cameraRotation.z = Number((cameraRotation.z + ((cameraTargetRotation.z - cameraRotation.z) / getSetting('Input/Mouse/Camera Rotation Drag'))).toFixed(5)); // Update cameras for(let camera of \[leftCamera, rightCamera]) { camera.rotation.set(cameraRotation.x, cameraRotation.y, cameraRotation.z, 'YXZ'); } \ const eyeGap = getSetting('Quick Settings/Eye Gap'); \ // Set camera positions leftCamera.position.x = -1 \* eyeGap \* Math.sin(cameraRotation.y); leftCamera.position.z = -1 \* eyeGap \* Math.cos(cameraRotation.y); rightCamera.position.x = eyeGap \* Math.sin(cameraRotation.y); rightCamera.position.z = eyeGap \* Math.cos(cameraRotation.y); \ byId('camera-target-rot-x').innerHTML = cameraTargetRotation.x.toFixed(2); byId('camera-target-rot-y').innerHTML = cameraTargetRotation.y.toFixed(2); byId('camera-target-rot-z').innerHTML = cameraTargetRotation.z.toFixed(2); byId('camera-rot-x').innerHTML = cameraRotation.x.toFixed(2); byId('camera-rot-y').innerHTML = cameraRotation.y.toFixed(2); byId('camera-rot-z').innerHTML = cameraRotation.z.toFixed(2); \ byId('camera-left-rot-x').innerHTML = leftCamera.rotation.x.toFixed(2); byId('camera-left-rot-y').innerHTML = leftCamera.rotation.y.toFixed(2); byId('camera-left-rot-z').innerHTML = leftCamera.rotation.z.toFixed(2); } \ function takeScreenshot() { downloadCanvasImage(document.getElementById('game-canvas'), gameName + ' screenshot'); sendAlert('Screenshot Taken!', 'tick'); }; \ function takePanorama() { const canvas = document.getElementById('game-canvas'); const height = canvas.height; const width = canvas.width \* (360 / (camera.fov \* camera.aspect)); let newCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); newCanvas.height = height; newCanvas.width = width; newCanvas.style.display = 'none'; let context = newCanvas.getContext("2d"); document.body.appendChild(newCanvas); for(let x = 0; x < width; x++) { // Rotate cameraRotation.y += ((2 \* PI) / width); let calculatedRotation = rotationToAbsolute(playerPosition, cameraRotation); camera.rotation.set(calculatedRotation.x, calculatedRotation.y, calculatedRotation.z, 'YXZ'); renderer.render(scene, camera); const gl = renderer.getContext(); // Get canvas data const pixelData = new Uint8ClampedArray(1 \* height \* 4); const reversedPixelData = new Uint8ClampedArray(1 \* height \* 4); gl.readPixels((canvas.width / 2), 0, 1, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED\_BYTE, pixelData); for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < 4; j++) { reversedPixelData\[i\*4 + j] = pixelData\[(height - i - 1)\*4 + j]; }; }; const imageData = new ImageData(reversedPixelData, 1, height); context.putImageData(imageData, x, 0); }; downloadCanvasImage(newCanvas, gameName + ' panorama'); newCanvas.remove(); sendAlert('Panoramic screenshot taken!', 'tick'); }; \ function setRotation(object, rotation) { object.rotation.set(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z); }; \ function downloadCanvasImage(canvas, name) { let canvasImage = canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); // this can be used to download any image from webpage to local disk let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function () { let a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = window\.URL.createObjectURL(xhr.response); a.download = name; a.style.display = 'none'; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); a.remove(); }; xhr.open('GET', canvasImage); // This is to download the canvas image xhr.send(); }; \ function xyToRealPosRot(x, y, distance) { let realX, realY, realZ, rotX, rotY, rotZ; \ // Position is an object {x: x, y: y} x determines which face it will be on horizontally, and y determines if it will be on the top or the bottom // Beyond 400, x position wraps x = wrap(x, 0, 400); log('x before: ' + x) const horizontalFace = (x / 100) % 4; //rotY = (x / 400) \* (1) // horizontalFace); \ // The top of the screen is y 100, the bottom is y -100, and the horizontals are between -50 and 50 realY = confine(y, -100, 100); \ // Calculate real position const unit = getSetting('Display/UI/Distance') / 50; \ let forward = getSetting('Display/UI/Distance'); \ const bevel = getSetting('Display/UI/Bevel'); \ rotX = 0; \ // If it is horizontal... if(between(y, -50 + bevel, 50 - bevel)) { realY = y; rotX = 0; } else if(y < -50 - bevel) { // If it is on the lower face realY = -50; forward = (y + 100) \* unit; rotX = -(PI / 2); } else if(y >= 50 + bevel) { // If it is on the upper face realY = 50; forward = (y - 100) \* unit; //side = unit \* (((x - 50) % 100) + 50); rotX = (PI / 2); } else if(between(y, -50 - bevel, -50 + bevel)) { // If it is on the lower bevel realY = -50 - ((y + 50) / 2); rotX = (PI / 4); } else if(between(y, 50 - bevel, 50 + bevel)) { // If it is on the upper bevel realY = 50 + ((y - 50) / 2) ; rotX = -(PI / 4); } \ realY = realY \* unit; \ let flip = false; \ /\*if( (horizontalFace >= 0 && horizontalFace < 0.5) || (horizontalFace >= 1.5 && horizontalFace < 2.5) || (horizontalFace >= 3.5 && horizontalFace < 4) ) { flip = true; }\*/ \ let angle = (x / 400) \* (PI \* 2); realX = Math.sin(angle) \* forward; realZ = Math.cos(angle) \* forward; rotY = angle; log('rot y: ' + rotY) \ log({ 'x': realX, 'y': realY, 'forward': forward, }) \ // Take distance into account realX \*= distance; realY \*= distance; realZ \*= distance; \ return({ 'position': new THREE.Vector3(realX, realY, realZ), 'rotation': new THREE.Euler(rotX, rotY, rotZ, 'YXZ'), 'flip': flip }); } \ function addWidget({ name = '', position = {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, rotation = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}, distance = 1, size = {'x': 10, 'y': 10}, radius = 3, shape = 'rRect', background = '#000000', opacity, textStyle = { 'align': 'center', 'weight': 0, // Range is 0 to 10 'font': 'DINRoundPro,arial,sans-serif', 'color': '#b0b0b0', 'vertical-align': 'center', 'font-size': 1 // Uses the same sizing system as the rest of the UI, so one unit of text is also one unit of object }, textContent = '', onclick = function() {}, onlongpress = function() {}, onhover = function() {}, onhoverexit = function() {}, ontruehover = function() {} }) { const realPosRot = xyToRealPosRot(position.x, position.y, distance); log(realPosRot) const realPos = realPosRot.position; let realRot = realPosRot.rotation; \ realRot.x += rotation.x; realRot.y += rotation.y; realRot.z = rotation.z; \ // Calculate real size const unit = getSetting('Display/UI/Distance') / 100; \ let width = unit \* size.x; let height = unit \* size.y; radius \*= unit; const scale = getSetting('Display/UI/Scale/General'); width \*= scale; height \*= scale; radius \*= scale; \ // Set mesh geometry let geometry; switch(shape) { case 'rRect': geometry = roundRectangleGeometry(width, height, radius, 10); break; case 'rect': geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(width, height); break; case 'circle': geometry = new THREE.CircleGeometry((width + height) / 2, 32); break; } let material; \ if(opacity == undefined) { opacity = 1; } \ if(textContent == '') { if(background\[0] == '/') { loadTexture(background, function(texture) { material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture, side: THREE.DoubleSide, opacity: opacity, transparent: true }); onTextureLoad(material); }) } else { material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: background, side: THREE.DoubleSide, opacity: opacity, transparent: true }); onTextureLoad(material); } } else { function prepareText(canvas) { // Proceed to prepare the canvas with the text ctx.font = \`${textStyle\["font-size"]}em ${textStyle\["font"]}\`; ctx.textAlign = textStyle\["align"]; ctx.fillStyle = textStyle\["color"]; ctx.fillText(textContent, 0, 0); // Compose the text onto the background const composedTexture = new THREE.CanvasTexture(canvas); \ // Generate the material material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: composedTexture, side: THREE.DoubleSide, transparent: true, alphaTest: 0.5 }); \ onTextureLoad(material); } \ // Initialize tmpcanvas only when needed const tmpcanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); tmpcanvas.width = width; tmpcanvas.height = height; const ctx = tmpcanvas.getContext('2d'); \ \ // Fill the background first if (background\[0] == '/') { loadTexture(background, function(texture) { ctx.fillStyle = texture; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); \ prepareText(tmpcanvas); }) } else { ctx.fillStyle = background; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); \ prepareText(tmpcanvas); } } function onTextureLoad(material) { // Create a mesh with the geometry and the material let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); \ mesh.name = name; \ mesh.position.set(realPos.x, realPos.y, realPos.z ); mesh.rotation.set(realRot.x, realRot.y, realRot.z); \ if(realPosRot.flip) { mesh.scale.x = -1; } \ mesh.onclick = onclick; mesh.onlongpress = onlongpress; mesh.onhoverexit = onhoverexit; mesh.ontruehover = ontruehover; mesh.onchover = onhover; \ scene.add(mesh); }; } \ function transitionWidget(name, property, newProperty, time, condition) { if(condition != null) { } } \ // three.js Scene setup const scene = new THREE.Scene(); \ // three functions \ function loadTexture(path, onload) { textureLoader.load(path, function (texture) { onload(texture); }, undefined, function (error) { console.error(error); }); }; \ // Define objects to make them global, they will mostly be only added to the scene when settings are loaded let sun; let wallpaper; let cameraStream; let pointer; \ let pointerMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)", side: THREE.DoubleSide }); \ let segmentShape = new THREE.Shape(); let segmentGeometry = new THREE.ShapeGeometry(segmentShape); let segmentPointer = new THREE.Mesh(segmentGeometry, pointerMaterial); segmentPointer.name = 'segmentPointer'; \ function setSegmentPointer(angle = 0, radius = 0.1, rotation = new THREE.Euler(0, 0, 0), clockwise=true) { let oldGeometry = segmentPointer.geometry; \ let segmentShape = new THREE.Shape(); segmentShape.moveTo(0, 0); segmentShape.arc(0, 0, radius, 0, angle, clockwise); segmentShape.lineTo(0, 0); \ let extrudeSettings = { steps: 1, depth: 0.1, bevelEnabled: false }; \ let segmentGeometry = new THREE.ExtrudeGeometry(segmentShape, extrudeSettings); segmentPointer.geometry = segmentGeometry; \ oldGeometry.dispose(); \ segmentPointer.rotation.set(rotation); } \ // Camera stuff let cameraViewDistance; \ // Setup cameras let leftCamera; let rightCamera; let leftRenderer; let rightRenderer; \ function setRendererSize() { for(let renderer of \[leftRenderer, rightRenderer]) { let canvas = renderer.domElement; renderer.setSize( canvas.offsetWidth \* getSetting('Display/Anti-alias'), canvas.offsetHeight \* getSetting('Display/Anti-alias'), false ); } } \ function updateCameraAspectRatio() {-0.2 for(let camera of \[leftCamera, rightCamera]) { let canvas = leftRenderer.domElement; camera.aspect = canvas.offsetWidth / canvas.offsetHeight; camera.updateProjectionMatrix(); } } \ // temp function startAssistant() { log('assisstant') } \ // When settings are loaded, start settings stuff up function onSettingsLoad() { // Add sun sun = new THREE.PointLight(0xffffff, getSetting('Quick Settings/Brightness')); scene.add(sun); \ // Pointers pointer = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry(getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Size'), 1), pointerMaterial); pointer.name = 'pointer'; scene.add(pointer); \ pointerMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {color: "hsl(" + (getSetting('Quick Settings/Theme Hue') + getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Hue Shift')) + ", 100%, 50%)"} ); pointer.material = pointerMaterial; segmentPointer.material = pointerMaterial; \ // Add wallpaper let wallpaperURL; if(getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Use Direct Link') == true) { wallpaperURL = getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Direct Link'); } else { wallpaperURL = getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Wallpapers Folder') + '/' + getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Wallpaper'); } \ loadTexture(wallpaperURL, function(texture) { let material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ map: texture, side: THREE.BackSide, transparent: true, opacity: getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Opacity') }); \ wallpaper = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.IcosahedronGeometry( getSetting('Display/UI/Distance') \* getSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Distance') \* getSetting('Display/UI/Testing Size Multiplier'), 4), material ); wallpaper.scale.x = -1; wallpaper.name = "wallpaper"; scene.add(wallpaper); }); \ // Setup cameras cameraViewDistance = getSetting('Display/UI/Distance') \* getSetting('Display/UI/Testing Size Multiplier') \* 2; // Keep this down to destroy lag leftCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(80, 1, 0.001, cameraViewDistance); rightCamera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(80, 1, 0.001, cameraViewDistance); \ // Setup renderers leftRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: byId('left-canvas'), antialias: true, logarithmicDepthBuffer: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: true, alpha: true}); rightRenderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({canvas: byId('right-canvas'), antialias: true, logarithmicDepthBuffer: true, preserveDrawingBuffer: true, alpha: true}); \ updateCameraAspectRatio(); setRendererSize(); \ window\.addEventListener('resize', function() { updateCameraAspectRatio(); setRendererSize(); }); \ // Setup control center const baseY = getSetting('Display/Control Center/Switch To Bottom') ? -100 : 100; const backgroundFolder = getSetting('Display/Control Center/Icon Folder'); function createTileGrid(scale, x, y, farness, tiles, name) { let counter = 0; log(tiles) addWidget({ position: {'x': x, 'y': baseY + y}, size: {'x': 3 \* scale, 'y': 3 \* scale}, background: "hsl(" + getSetting('Quick Settings/Theme Hue') + ", 50%, 80%)", name: name + ' background', radius: 0.5 \* scale, onhover: openTileGroup(name) }); for(let widgetY = 1; widgetY >= -1; widgetY--) { for(let widgetX = -1; widgetX <=1; widgetX++) { if(counter < tiles.length) { if(tiles\[counter].folder) { createTileGrid(scale / 3, (widgetX \* scale), (widgetY \* scale), farness \* 0.99, tiles\[counter].children); } else { log('scale' + scale) addWidget({ position: {'x': x + (widgetX \* scale), 'y': baseY + y + (widgetY \* scale)}, size: {'x': scale, 'y': scale}, background: backgroundFolder + '/' + tiles\[counter].icon + '.svg', name: tiles\[counter].name, group: name, radius: scale / 3, distance: farness \* 0.99 }); log('added widget control center') }; } else { break; }; counter++; }; if(counter >= tiles.length) { break; }; }; }; \ createTileGrid( getSetting('Display/UI/Scale/Control Center') \* 1.5, 0, baseY, 1, getSetting('Display/Control Center/Tiles'), getSetting('Display/Control Center/Tiles', false)\['name'] ); // Quick function let quickFunction = getSetting('Display/Control Center/Quick Function', false); \ addWidget({ position: {'x': 0, 'y': getSetting('Display/Control Center/Switch To Bottom') ? 100 : -100}, background: '/assets/images/icons/control\_center/' + quickFunction.icon + '.svg', name: quickFunction.name, onclick: quickFunction.onclick }); \ // testing addWidget({ position: {'x': 0, 'y': -50}, background: '/assets/images/icons/control\_center/torch.svg', name: "torch" }); addWidget({ position: {'x': 200, 'y': 10}, background: '/assets/images/icons/control\_center/screencast.svg', name: "screencast" }); for(let i of range(16)) { addWidget({ position: {'x': i \* 25, 'y': 0}, background: 'hsl(' + getSetting('Quick Settings/Theme Hue') + ', 100%, ' + ((i / 16) \* 100) + '%)', name: "test" + i, textContent: '',//i.toString() 'onclick': function() { log('click' + i); }, 'onhover': function() { log('hover' + i); } }); } }; \ function updateSetting(url, value) { customiseSetting(url, value); \ switch(url) { case 'Display/UI/Wallpaper/Opacity': wallpaper.material.opacity = value; break; }; }; \ // Start \ // Setup the camera stream function setupCameraStream() { function handleSuccess(stream) { cameraStream = document.createElement('video'); cameraStream.style.transform = 'rotate(270deg)'; cameraStream.srcObject = stream; cameraStream.play(); \ let texture = new THREE.VideoTexture(cameraStream); texture.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; texture.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; scene.background = texture; \ customiseSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Opacity', 0); // Temporary until GUI settings are introduced } \ function handleError(error) { // Set wallpaper opacity to 1 updateSetting('Display/UI/Wallpaper/Opacity', 1); \ log('Unable to access the camera/webcam.'); } \ navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: {facingMode: "environment"}}) .then(handleSuccess) .catch(function(error) { if (error.name === 'OverconstrainedError') { // Fallback to default video settings navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true}) .then(handleSuccess) .catch(handleError); } else { // Handle other errors handleError(error); } }); }; \ // Fullscreen and pointer lock, request fullscreen mode for the element function openFullscreen(elem, then) { if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen().then(then); } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /\* Safari \*/ elem.webkitRequestFullscreen().then(then); } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { /\* IE11 \*/ elem.msRequestFullscreen().then(then); } } // Request pointer lock function requestPointerLock(myTargetElement) { const promise = myTargetElement.requestPointerLock({ unadjustedMovement: true, }); \ if (!promise) { log("disabling mouse acceleration is not supported"); return; } \ return promise .then(() => log("pointer is locked")) .catch((error) => { if (error.name === "NotSupportedError") { // Some platforms may not support unadjusted movement. // You can request again a regular pointer lock. return myTargetElement.requestPointerLock(); } }); } \ function lockPointer() { requestPointerLock(byId('body')); document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", lockChangeAlert, false); }; \ function lockChangeAlert() { if (document.pointerLockElement === byId('body')) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", updatePosition, false); } else { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", updatePosition, false); } } \ function updatePosition(e) { onLockedMouseMove(e.movementX, e.movementY); }; \ function fullscreenAndPointerLock() { openFullscreen(byId('body'), function() { lockPointer(); }); } \ function permission() { // Check if the device supports deviceorientation and requestPermission if (typeof(DeviceMotionEvent) !== "undefined" && typeof(DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission) === "function") { // Request permission DeviceMotionEvent.requestPermission() .then(response => { // Check the response if (response == "granted") {}; }) .catch(console.error); // Handle errors } else { // Device does not support deviceorientation log("DeviceOrientationEvent is not defined"); } } \ async function keepScreenAwake() { // Create a reference for the Wake Lock. let wakeLock = null; \ // create an async function to request a wake lock try { wakeLock = await navigator.wakeLock.request("screen"); log("Wake Lock is active!"); } catch (err) { // The Wake Lock request has failed - usually system related, such as battery. log(\`${err.name}, ${err.message}\`); } } \ let framesSoFar = 0; \ function startFPSCount() { byId('logic-fps').innerHTML = fps.toString(); \ let renderFPSInterval = setInterval(function() { byId('render-fps').innerHTML = framesSoFar.toString(); framesSoFar = 0; }, 1000); } \ function start() { byId('loading-screen').style.display = 'none'; setupCameraStream(); startLogic(); startFPSCount(); render(); permission(); fullscreenAndPointerLock(); keepScreenAwake(); \ byId('left-canvas').addEventListener('click', fullscreenAndPointerLock); byId('right-canvas').addEventListener('click', fullscreenAndPointerLock); }; \ // Loading byId('loading-bar').style.display = 'block'; \ manager.onProgress = function (url, itemsLoaded, itemsTotal) { //log('Loading file: ' + url + '.\nLoaded ' + itemsLoaded + ' of ' + itemsTotal + ' files.'); \ byId('loading-bar-fg').style.setProperty('--size', ((itemsLoaded / itemsTotal) \* 100) + '%'); }; \ manager.onError = function (url) { log('There was an error loading ' + url); }; \ manager.onLoad = function ( ) { setTimeout(function() { byId('loading-bar').style.display = 'none'; byId('play').style.display = 'block'; }, 500); byId('play').addEventListener('click', start); }; \ function openTileGroup(group) { } \ // Logic let pointerRaycast = new THREE.Raycaster(); let previousIntersection = pointerRaycast.intersectObjects(scene.children); let clicking = false; \ function logic() { // Set camera rotation if(cameraTargetRotation.x != cameraRotation.x || cameraTargetRotation.y != cameraRotation.y) { setCameraRotation(); }; \ // Update pointer pointerRaycast.set( new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, 0), leftCamera.getWorldDirection(new THREE.Vector3()) ); \ // Check if the pointer is itersecting with any object \ const intersections = pointerRaycast.intersectObjects(scene.children); if (intersections.length > 0) { for(let intersection of intersections) { // If it's intersecting with itself, don't do anything if(intersection.object.name == 'pointer' || intersection.object.name == 'segmentPointer') { return; } else { // If it's intersecting with an object, copy that intersection's position, and start to click const point = intersections\[0].point; pointer.position.copy(point); \ // Truehover if(Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('ontruehover')) { // Prevent hover being continuously trigggered if(previousIntersection.uuid != intersections\[0].uuid) { intersection.object.ontruehover(); } } log('truehover') \ // Start click after grace period, if object is clickable if( Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onclick') || Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onhover') || Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onhoverexit') || Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onlongpress') ) { let gracePeriod = setTimeout(function() { // onhover if(Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onhover')) { intersection.object.onhover(); } log('hover') \ // Start click if(Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onclick') && (!clicking)) { clicking = true; \ let fullness = 0; \ // Manage pointers scene.add(segmentPointer); segmentPointer.position.copy(pointer); scene.remove(pointer); let startClick = setInterval(function() { fullness += (PI \* 2) / (fps \* getSetting('Input/Eye Click/Duration/Pre-click duration')); setSegmentPointer( fullness, getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Size') \* getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Clicking Size'), intersection.object.rotation ); \ byId('pointer-angle').innerHTML = fullness.toFixed(4); \ // On forfeit let forfeitDistance = distance3d(point, pointerRaycast.intersectObjects(scene.children)\[0].point); if(forfeitDistance > getSetting('Input/Eye Click/Movement limit')) { log('forfeit ' + forfeitDistance) clearInterval(startClick); afterClick(); } \ if(fullness >= PI \* 2) { log('click') intersection.object.onclick(); clearInterval(startClick); \ if(Object.keys(intersection.object).includes('onlongpress')) { // Start longpress fullness = 0; let startLongPress = setInterval(function() { fullness += (PI \* 2) / (fps \* getSetting('Input/Eye Click/Duration/Long-press duration')); setSegmentPointer( fullness, getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Size') \* getSetting('Display/UI/Pointer/Clicking Size'), intersection.object.rotation, false ); byId('pointer-angle').innerHTML = fullness.toFixed(4); \ let forfeitDistance = distance3d(point, pointerRaycast.intersectObjects(scene.children)\[0].point); if(forfeitDistance > getSetting('Input/Eye Click/Movement limit')) { log('forfeitlongpress') clearInterval(startLongPress); afterClick(); }; \ // On click if(fullness >= PI \* 2) { intersection.object.onlongpress(); log('longpress') clearInterval(startLongPress); afterClick(); } }, 1000 / fps); } else { afterClick(); } } }, 1000 / fps); }; }, getSetting('Input/Eye Click/Delayed hover duration') \* 1000) return; } else { afterClick(); } \ function afterClick() { // Update previous intersection previousIntersection = intersections; previousIntersection.intersection = intersection; \ // Onhoverexit if(intersection.object.uuid != previousIntersection.intersection.object.uuid) { previousIntersection.object.onhoverexit(); } \ clicking = false; log('afterclick') \ // Change back pointers scene.remove(segmentPointer); scene.add(pointer); \ return; } } } }; }; \ function startLogic() { logicInterval = setInterval(logic, 1000 / fps); }; \ function stopLogic() { clearInterval(logicInterval); cameraStream.pause(); }; \ // Input function onLockedMouseMove(xMotion, yMotion) { cameraTargetRotation.x = confine(cameraTargetRotation.x - (yMotion \* cameraRotationSensitivity), -0.5 \* PI, 0.6 \* PI); if(wrap(cameraTargetRotation.y - (xMotion \* cameraRotationSensitivity), -PI, PI) != (cameraTargetRotation.y - (xMotion \* cameraRotationSensitivity))) { cameraRotation.y = wrap(cameraTargetRotation.y - (xMotion \* cameraRotationSensitivity), -PI, PI); }; cameraTargetRotation.y = wrap(cameraTargetRotation.y - (xMotion \* cameraRotationSensitivity), -PI, PI); setCameraRotation(); }; \ // Setup buttons byId('toggle-debug').addEventListener('click', function(event) { if(byId('debug-menu').style.display == 'block') { byId('debug-menu').style.display = 'none'; } else { byId('debug-menu').style.display = 'block'; } }); \ // Keypress manager const keysToPreventDefault = \['alt', '/', 'f1', 'f2', 'f3']; \ function putKeyDown(key) { if(!keysDown.includes(key.toLowerCase())) { keysDown.push(key.toLowerCase()); }; }; \ function putKeyUp(key) { keysDown = removeFromArray(keysDown, \[key.toLowerCase()]); }; \ document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if(keysToPreventDefault.includes(e.key.toLowerCase())) { e.preventDefault(); }; putKeyDown(e.key); }); \ document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { putKeyUp(e.key); }); \ // Pointer position document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { pointerPosition = {'x': e.clientX, 'y': e.clientY, 'positions': \[{'clientX': e.clientX, 'clientY': e.clientY}], 'type': 'mouse'}; }); \ document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e) { pointerPosition = {'x': e.touches\[0].clientX, 'y': e.touches\[0].clientY, 'positions': e.touches, 'type': 'touch'}; }); \ // Gyrometer window\.addEventListener("deviceorientation", function(event) { orientation = { 'absolute': event.absolute, 'alpha': event.alpha, 'beta': event.beta, 'gamma': event.gamma }; \ byId('gyro-absolute').innerHTML = orientation.absolute; byId('gyro-alpha').innerHTML = orientation.alpha.toFixed(2); byId('gyro-beta').innerHTML = orientation.beta.toFixed(2); byId('gyro-gamma').innerHTML = orientation.gamma.toFixed(2); const theOrientation = (window\.offsetWidth > window\.offsetHeight) ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; \ // If orientation is logged correctly if(!Object.values(orientation).includes(null)) { // Subtract 90deg if in portrait mode if(theOrientation == 'portrait') { orientation.alpha = wrap(orientation.alpha + 90, 0, 360); } \ // Offset y const offsetY = 89.5; // I have no idea why this works \ if(Math.abs(orientation.beta) < 100) { cameraTargetRotation.x = (-orientation.gamma \* (PI / 180) % 180) - offsetY; } else { cameraTargetRotation.x = (orientation.gamma \* (PI / 180) % 180) + offsetY; } cameraTargetRotation.y = orientation.alpha \* (PI / 180); cameraTargetRotation.z = (-orientation.beta \* (PI / 180)) + offsetY; \ cameraRotation.x = cameraTargetRotation.x; cameraRotation.y = cameraTargetRotation.y; cameraRotation.z = cameraTargetRotation.z; \ if(theOrientation == 'landscape') { } \ setCameraRotation(); }; }, true);