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chat amyipdev

Unable to downvote

Is there something about this instance (or about other instances) that I'm missing? The downvote button for me just completely doesn't exist. Applies both to !chat and to [email protected] where I've been looking. No post appears to have any downvotes either, when I hover over the count it'll say "XX upvotes, 0 downvotes, ..."

I'm not someone who likes to downvote a lot, but especially on [email protected] when I see misinformation/bad suggestions ("ChatGPT is better than a real person..." type things) I'd like to be able to actually downvote it.

  • Not certain to be honest. I seemed to be able to downvote your post (just as a test, already reversed) and it did persist through a refresh. But I am using so ymmv.