I just opened my freezer to hopefully catch some cheap lamb.
8 0 ReplyI'm gonna be looking around the wreckage for long pig myself. Sydney in ruins? May as well tick that off the bucket list before trying a new sort of tie out.
5 0 Reply
It's a test btw, don't panic. Just hilarious
8 0 ReplyA test?
3 0 Reply3 0 Reply
I only just noticed the location 😆 I'm glad nobody would have taken the test seriously
EDIT: Ok, so apparently it was just send to everyone in the bottom half of Australia, but at least it was clearly marked as a test - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-25/bom-tsunami-warning-alert-weather-queensland-nsw-vic-tas/104394044
1 0 ReplyNah mate, 400 meter high wave. Finally cleaned up Penrith.
No hate westies, you're better company than the pricks in the east.
2 0 Reply
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