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The Pandemic Really Is Over, No Seriously, We Mean It This Time, (Except the numbers don't add up, at all.)

"Look, everyone wishes we could get back to some kind of normal. A lot of us are doing that with clean air technologies and masks.

The rich don’t like that…

That doesn’t give government agencies or the media permission to lie and manipulate data in order to get the reality they want. If my math is right, then it’s honestly disturbing to see the lengths our institutions will go to in order to convince the public that they’re safe when they’re not.

My math says excess mortality remains at 6 percent or higher, depending on the month. This isn’t conspiracy talk. The numbers I’m looking at literally don’t match what “liberal” mainstream journalists are trying to tell us. It looks a lot like someone’s trying to cook the books on excess mortality, using the last two years as a new baseline for measurement, a “new normal.”

If so, that’s basically cheating."