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New 10MHz Box

Finally mounted the 10MHz OCXO in a box. Now when I go do microwaves, I should be on frequency. 🥳

Now I have to set up the 10GHz system and look for the local beacons to see how it works.

  • Do you have documentation on this? I would like to build one.

    • I'll make a video at some point, but it's just an Oscilloquartz 8663-xs that I mounted in the box with connections for power and 10MHz. I got the OCXO unit from eBay.

      • This has led me down a rabbit hole. Now I am thinking I may need an GPSDO NTP server with a 10MHz sine input fed with a rhodium frequency standard. I want all my logs to be picosecond accurate. :) Mostly just because I can.

  • I think the beacon I know I can hear is down.