List of South American Fruit Trees (Amazon Forest Gardening)
Where can I find a list of fruit trees that grow in the Amazon?
I'm currently eating a mostly raw vegan diet, and I'm trying to transition to fruitarian diet. But I live in Northern Europe, and the fruit options here are very limited. Obviously I'd be better living some place topical, and I've been seeing some posts from some sustainable communities in South America.
Specifically, there seems to be many permaculture projects in the Amazon that are able to grow their own fruits in fruit-heavy forest gardens. I've learned about a lot of new exotic fruits from some of their videos, but what I really want is a comprehensive list of all the fruits that one can grow in the Amazon.
Does anyone know where I can find a list of fruits that grow in the Amazon (native and non-native)?
Many of them are fruit trees, and it also includes many natural and native species to the region, which is in Napo provence – that's the Ecuadorian Amazon Jungle.
They're also a frugivorous vegan community, so you may want to check them out :)