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Photography Matt Blaze

Hallway, NYC, 2014.

Hallway, NYC, 2014.

All the rent-controlled pre-war pixels at


  • Captured with a small mirrorless camera and 50mm lens.

    This hallway reminded me of a sight gag in the Coens' "Inside Llewyn Davis". I like that the two neighbors have to share a doormat.

    The starkly bare hallway and contrasting tones between the walls and the doors and floor make this as much a study in abstract shapes as it is about urban living.

  • @[email protected] Seems somewhat challenging to get furniture into these apartments.

  • @[email protected]

    Ah the wonder of how a NYC realtor/leasing agency would describe these apartments? (My son lives in an older apartment in Manhattan, nice area but the apartment has not a-typical issues).

  • @[email protected]

    Stair chair. Every time.

    In fairness, when I interned with the old NYC*EMS (38 years ago? What?) they always took the chair and not the bed.