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[Request] Gallery overlay

For what I'm building I don't particularly fancy the full gallery--for reasons. But I wouldn't mind a button users can click to open the overlay version. I think I may be able to replicate that looking through the text-to-image plugin... maybe. But it would be great to just have that as an option. Like, the normal way of producing the gallery, but add overlay=true to have it show the overlay instead.

Also, some "official" way of closing the overlay--perhaps something as part of the returned value when asking for an overlay? Perhaps even a property on the imported text-to-image-plugin I could call to close any open gallery overlays.

And an easy way of finding the outermost overlay container div (it's all just styles right now, so I've got a somewhat brittle css selector to query based on the iframe's src). Perhaps include a useful id or attribute. I've got something working fine, but would be a good feature to have in place as part of this.

Edit: Oh also, I feel like Escape should close the gallery overlay. And perhaps there should be a clear button to close it.