I kept notes for a five year-long D&D game in Microsoft OneNote, which worked fine, but I kept wishing for more features. I'm hoping y'all can recommend something better suited to my desired use.
Page per game session (day), unless there's a better paradigm
Crosslinking easily, so that I can link every appearance of a character in the notes to a page for that character (or spell or place or organization or whatever). Is it possible for this to happen automatically by linking future uses of that word?
Some stats about frequency e.g. "this character has appeared X times" or "player X rolled a 1 Ytimes". Probably achieved by counting the number of times a page was linked to?
Ideally, but not mandatory, collaborative. I'm capable of self-hosting either full time but maybe some have a "share on local network" option to use during a session.
Inserting images
Open source is preferred for ethical reasons, but I can use proprietary or paid software