[Pre-release] v0.5.0-4
[Pre-release] v0.5.0-4
github.com Release v0.5.0-4 · thunder-app/thunder
This is the first release candidate for Thunder v0.5.0! There aren't too many notable changes in this version as I'm preparing for a general release version. If no major issues are found, this will...

This is the first release candidate for Thunder v0.5.0! There aren't too many notable changes in this version as I'm preparing for a general release version. If no major issues are found, this will be the version released on the App Store and Google Play.
Be fully prepared to know that these pre-release versions may contain major bugs which could cause Thunder to crash or behave unexpectedly.
- Moved "Create Post" button into markdown toolbar by micahmo
- Fallback to opening non-Lemmy instances in browser by micahmo
- Show voting when hidden scores are enabled by hjiangsu
- Allow navigating to user instance from post sheet by micahmo
- Minor under-the-hood feed related changes by hjiangsu