Jumbled text? (ARG)
Jumbled text? (ARG)
Hey everyone!
So I’ve been looking around so.ul more and this seems to be the top post but it’s weird. Can anyone tell what this says?
I'm not gonna bother to type that string myself but if you still have it you can copy paste it here: www.base64decode.org
I tried with chatgpt but it seems it didn't recognize the string correctly, but it starts with "For man seeks to be hidden the fool"
4 0 ReplyRm9ylG1hbiBzZWVrcyB0byBiZSBoaWRkZW4gdGhlIGZvb2xzIH dpbGwgZmFsbCBObyB0aGUgbGVnaW9ucyBvZiA2NiBmb3IgdG hleSB3aWxslGNvbWUgZnJvbSB0aGUgT3JpZW50IGFuZCBkZX NOcm95IGFsbCA=
Forman seeks to be hidden the fools will fall No the legions of 66 for they willcome from the Orient and desNroy all
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