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Greenhouse gas: A new gas pipeline for Ontario's greenhouses Greenhouse gas: A new gas pipeline for Ontario's greenhouses

Enbridge Gas is starting construction of its $358-million natural gas pipeline in southwestern Ontario, which critics say “doesn’t even make economic sense” given the need to transition away from fossil fuels.

Greenhouse gas: A new gas pipeline for Ontario's greenhouses

[Using Ontario tax dollars,] Enbridge Gas is starting construction of its $358-million natural gas pipeline in southwestern Ontario, which critics say “doesn’t even make economic sense” given the need to transition away from fossil fuels.

advocates criticized the investment in the new gas pipeline, arguing that it contradicts climate goals and is economically unsound.

“This is a bad investment,” said Keith Brooks, programs director at Environmental Defence.

“The science is clear. In a world that limits climate change to 1.5 degrees, there is no room for new fossil fuel infrastructure like a gas pipeline that costs over a third of a billion dollars. This project doesn't even make economic sense.”

Brooks noted the project relies on a 40-year revenue model, which he believes is unrealistic given the current energy transition. He pointed out that it is being subsidized by $150 million from existing gas users.

“It will likely cost all of Ontario's gas customers even more when it winds up a stranded asset and doesn't generate the revenue that Enbridge is banking on.”