Our new Multi-group Campaign Feature is...Epic. 😜
Our new Multi-group Campaign Feature is...Epic. 😜

In honor of "eclipse day" I'm happy to announce support for Epics. This type of IRL/hybrid play style has been ignored (or should I say...eclipsed? OK, OK, I'll stop.) when it comes to building tools that successfully enhance game play.
This past weekend, I user tested an Epic group play session to validate our strategy and designs to which was a Crit-Hit!
This is going to be a game changer to all groups that love to play "epic" sessions and I can't wait to get it to the public. 🔥
If you would love to learn how we are accomplishing this - check out our blog about the feature.
If you like our vision and want to get early access to Nurl (hopefully around May 6th) - join the waitlist today.
We are going to change the IRL/hybrid game this year and I can't wait to show you what is next... 👀