I got out of the army a couple years ago, and as I was transitioning out I set up my dress uniform all prim and proper, but never had a reason to get an official photo taken in it.
My parent's only picture of me in a dress uniform is after basic training, so they have been basically begging me for an updated photo since I told them I was buying the new uniform.
The issue is that I've had a mustache/goatee combo of varying length since getting out, and my wife and I are both strongly against completely shaving it for the picture. If I trim it down, hopefully revealing the structure of my face, could the photo be altered to appear as though I had shaved?
Lastly, I know the rules say to link a photo, but because a dress uniform is kind of like wearing your entire service history, I prefer to not make it utterly public. The photos are the regulation covering these types of photos
Maybe if FedEx trained you for 8 weeks on combat and shooting, then sent you overseas to fight, I which time you were to earn awards that showed off your best package delivery skills, and ability to take out those errant UPS drivers that keeps encroaching on your route every day.
WTH? There is a huge difference between having been a service member who may have had to kill, been shot at or attempted to be blown up, watched as friends were shot and potentially blown up, potentially suffering PTSD from said traumas, getting shafted by the VA when trying to get your promised medical care… and fucking delivering packages for a living.
And for the record, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a delivery person. But let’s be very honest here: regardless of how you feel about the military, the government, or war, there is no comparison to any other job out there than the shit our service members have to put up with … your comment included.
No one's arguing that the job isn't traumatic. I'm sorry for your suffering. I know a kid in construction who lost a thumb, he won't have the VA supporting him, and he won't ever be glorified for it. I know an ex-EMT who is in constant pain and can't work anymore in his 40s, where's his fan club? He's going to carry that with him to his grave.
Let's be clear, someone like me not glorifying this job is a loss of privilege, not rights. Boo hoo someone doesn't have the same worldview as you and knows there are a lot of jobs where workers destroy their bodies or minds to keep our country running.
Lol not quite, but I understand your confusion. In the next couple weeks I'm going to put the last few bells and whistles on the jacket, then get a proper haircut and trim my facial hair to make the job as easy as possible.
Then the idea is to edit the facial hair out of that photo