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Dijak talks on SRS's podcast about how WWE does releases now and how most talent find out they've been fired from SRS/Twitter, and not from WWE themselves.

  • @GeekFTW but is it WWE's fault that info gets leaked? Dijack's release itself was announced by him, no leaks.

    • Is it WWE's fault that info get's leaked? That depends entirely on how things leak to be honest. It's not like a bunch of agents, producers and wrestlers are sitting around backstage going "oh shit bruh I just heard $Name is getting released today at 3pm! I should go tell Sapp first!"

      WWE is a business like any other. Management (Paul, Nick, HR, and a small few others) are deciding who gets fired/released, once they make a decision the next person to know should be the person being released, not reporters/Twitter users. Never in my life with any job I've been at have I been fired and had anyone but HR/my direct boss know before I was told to my face (and trust me I've been fired lots lmao). Anyone finding out they've been let go via social media/reporters mean the upper people at WWE who made that decision chose to talk about it to someone besides the talent in question first.

      And the fact that Dijak announced it himself this time is irrelevant to the point of how it's happened to others before. Maybe WWE smartened up and decided to do it 'right' this time, but it doesn't make up for doing it 'wrong' many times up to this time.

  • Has anyone else ever corroborated this happening? I find this extremely hard to believe based on Dijak alone. JTG is on record claiming he never answered his phone if it was a number from Connecticut because he knew what would happen. We also know that others find out online like Woods finding out about Tyler, but I'm not sure I've seen another worker say this.

    Edit: I did a basic google search and Nash says this happened to him in 2014 after his arrest for fighting with his son, nobody called him but the news said he had been fired.

    Lio Rush says when WWE was doing mass layoffs he called the office and asked them if he was on the list so he wouldn't have to find out online.

    So, yes this shit apparently has happened and that's really messed up.