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[Help] [Solved] Filtering list by initial letter results in selectOne errors

Hi all! Total Perchance newbie here, so I sincerely apologize if this is obvious/already been answered. Been having fun tinkering with it, but got this weird bug...

I've got a bit of a scuffed loop set up to select a word for each letter input by the user. However, the output of filterList() isn't happy with my using selectOne on it, producing an extra two undefineds for some strange reason. I don't know if it's maybe related to the way I'm filtering the list or some other bug? Anyone know why this is happening/a better way to do it?

Thanks for all y'all's help!

  • You can prevent the output from accidentally evaluating the selectOne of empty n arrays by just not evaluating the <span contenteditable ... part when that empty array has no length (basically you put a condition in which if n isn't empty then evaluate the span word element, which eliminates that syntax error problem):

    You can also check for n.length > 0 instead of n.length. Also pretty cool generator concept! A random letter generator button might be a good idea. Here's how would you implement this using a list and a button:

    <input id="acronymInput" oninput="acronym = this.value" placeholder="type an acronym :)" value="TPK" />
    <button onclick="ltr = letter.evaluateItem, acronymInput.value = ltr, acronym = ltr, count = -1, update()">random letter</button>
  • You can use the select-until-plugin instead of filter-list-plugin.

    selectUntil = {import:select-until-plugin}
    count = 0
      [count = 0, acronymLoop]
      // count = 0, to reset the counter for each generation
      [word = count < acronym.length ? (n = selectUntil(noun, i => matchFirstChar(i, acronym.charAt(count))), count++, "<span contenteditable>" + emphasizeFirstChar(n) + "</span> " + acronymLoop) : '']
      // Instead of filter list, we use the select-until-plugin in which the 'test' to be used was the `matchFirstChar` function that you already have.
      // We start at 0, then count up (`count++`)
      // Then the check is now `count < acronym.length` instead of `count <= acronym.length` since we use zero-indexing with `charAt`.