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Profesja i ruch [en, de] /en/wildcat/96/e_w96_berufubewegung.html

Długi i ciekawy esej o zagadnieniu profesji, pracy i tzw pracy w aktywiźmie oczywiście z pozycji głębokiej krytyki kapitalizmu. Tłumaczenie na angielski, link do wersji po niemiecku na dole artykułu.

You cannot simply proceed in a professional career and be ‘revolutionary’ in your free-time. We need our own structures as a material alternative to the ‘profession’; we need commonly organised living arrangements, collectives and (social) centres which would allow as a different way to approach ‘work’: to kick a shit-job if necessary; to work for a low-wage, because the job is politically interesting; to stir up a work-place collectively. Instead of ‘professionalisation’ and Realpolitik we have to advance the movement through a continuous international exchange.

Pros piss off! Everyone can learn everything.