Everyone's knitting style is a little different. Whether it's tension, your personal knitting gauge, or the way you wrap your yarn around your fingers. But when it comes to which hand you hold your yarn in, the knitting world is pretty divided. There are five basic knitting styles based on ...
Caveat: when the article mentions the "dominant hand" and "non-dominant hand" they really just mean "right hand" and "left hand". These knitting styles do not adjust to your personal handedness. So I guess you can read it as written if you're right-handed, but if you're left-handed this was not written with you in mind.
Thanks for sharing this, I didn't know about some of these and always fun to learn more.
I've tried Portuguese, continental and English but stayed with continental. Getting purls down with even tension and not hurting my wrist took some time but got there in the end
TIL I'm actually knitting Russian? Didn't know there was a distinction between regular continental and my tight way. But knowing that might help varying tension for different projects.