So a tradie I had over yesterday decided to chuck a fair bit of rubble / building material into the household waste. Would've weighed 40kg-ish and that likely wouldn't have been collected this morning.
there I am at 10pm in the driveway with the bin on its side shovelling it out into pots. The sensor light isn't the best so you sort of have to give it a good wave so it turns on.
Anyway dude across the street is a psychiatrist.. who witnessed me waving enthusiastically at the sensor several times between taking a shovel to a bin...
At least he attempted clean up. The tradies I get just walk away from all the mess. Including their empty coffee cups, lunch scraps etc. have had to chase my dog to extract a mouldy sandwich before. (There’s an obvious rubbish bin close by)
I don't understand what it is about the trades that waives usual profesional standards and just general societal expectations. I can't really think of any other job (except those catalogue and assorted letterbox rubbish deliverers) where it's acceptable to just leave your rubbish everywhere, or fob getting rid of it onto your customers. Even when they "make an effort to clean up" they usually don't get rid of it correctly. Rubble shouldn't go into regular curbside bins, but 40kgs especially can not
My strong suspicion is that a lot of the asbestos that has shown up in park mulch lately has been because some tradies have dumped a bunch of building waste in a green bin somewhere.