My German teacher was nuts, but mostly in a fun or benign way. She genuinely cared for her students, though, and there were a lot of lessons that had nothing to do with language skills at all.
I remember an argument between the spanish and french kids. the french kids were saying the spanish teachers were the most insane. The french kids the opposite.
It was quite heated.
They all looked at me and my other friend that was also in german looking for a tie breaker. "I don't know what your talking about. [The single German Teacher] is definitely the craziest." it was a point of pride. they were quite taken aback. She had been caught on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall and took several weeks out of the year to talk about both the holocaust and east germany and how awful they were.
and it wasn't the sugar coated 'murica-great' oorahrah that was history class.
You decide. The followers all worked on the farm, wore very simple clothes, got rid of all their worldly possessions. The Bagwan was driven around in a Rolls Royce, lived separately from the commune. He also didn't pay taxes and the government thought he owed them millions.
I think there's a documentary on line somewhere now.