[hyprland] My as(th)ma
[hyprland] My as(th)ma

- distro? wm? bar? app launcher? colorscheme?
- nixos (i may be switching to Edubuntu soon, don't question it!)
- hyprland
- waybar (not shown on the picture)
- wofi (not shown on the picture)
- miasma (do you get the joke now?)
- what's the terminal?
- kitty with a 'cool' config (not really)
- what's the music player?
- it is termusic
- wallpaper?!?!?!
here's the link to the shotshare page so i can see what you think
first post on this account, eugh!
3 0 Replyoh this is so nice. love nixos!!!
2 0 Reply