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[Bug] text-to-image-plugin sometimes stuck on "Processing" until I hover over or scroll until the edge touches the image generation frame(s)

This is a problem that I've been encountered very often but not as inconvenient as the previous bugs I've been reported on this community. It was stuck on "Preparing" or "Preprocessing" even though console messages already told me that the image had already been generated successfully, and the only way to reveal the generated image is to do something that re-renders the frame (like scrolling until the edge touches the image frames, hovering over them, or going to another tab and then going back to the tab where the frame goes).

This usually happens once in a few times, and more often when a generator had or configured to output multiple text-to-image-plugin frames in one single page, for instance, on beautiful-people or text2image-generator with Number of Images set to 4.

But again, if the Dev managed to fix this, that'd be great! 🙂

Edit: Apparently this is not an issue on Firefox while testing if this bug persists in that browser.

  • Unrelated: I also saw a post by @[email protected] about the broken offline editor and demands a fix for it (, in case you hadn't noticed it. @[email protected]

  • I would assume this is to require 'activity' from the user. Meaning, it requires a user interaction for it to work e.g. scrolling the frame into view, hovering the mouse to see the image, etc.

    • That also makes sense, but it did not always happen. When I try to click on generate multiple times on the Text to Image Plugin Example, the image always automatically pops out without even any interaction on the single text-to-image-plugin frame. But when I add more frames, the "bug" happened.

      I'm assuming this is more likely of an issue when multiple frames are trying to reveal the generated images each other one by one, so that doing some "activity" is required to do that.

  • very true! been like that as long as i can remember and always had to scroll the page to get images to show. now that you mention it maybe it wasnt intended that way lol

    • @Alllo Yeah, scrolling out the page might be the most efficient way if you're too lazy having to move the cursor around and/or having many image generations on the screen at once 🙂