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y’all, today has been a day. between stress at work and moving to a new apartment in something like 9 days, i am finding it difficult to motivate myself to move a muscle, let alone do anything productive.

how are y’all? is everyone else holding up okay in the face of all this social media shakeup, and anything else you might have going on?

  • @mishamouse Good luck with the move! I've been struggling to get motivated as well as I just dropped coffee in favor of tea and the reduction in caffeine has left me with bouts of tiredness over the last two days. Overall still doing good though, can't complain too much. This community received a lot of activity on day 1 of Reddit going dark so that was cool to see.

    • @east thank you! we’ve done like… 10% of the packing we need to do. to be honest, we’ve thrown out more things than we have packed. you don’t realize how much junk you accumulate.

      i thrive on coffee, i don’t think i could ever drop it. i have tried to switch to tea instead of maybe a third cup, though. it’s just not the same.

      i hope we see continued growth of this new community. i’m excited for it.