Just reminded me, many years ago (around 2010 maybe), I ordered a pizza from dominos. It was awful, tasted weird and tangy.
A few years afterwards, I swear I saw a TV ad for dominos saying "now with real cheese". Turns out they were using cream cheese or something beforehand. Never ordered from them again lol.
I do the whole gaining and cutting thing during the year. Hardest part for me was making meals that I would eat even when I wasn't trying to eat healthy.
It's good healthy cheap food that has good shelf and fridge stability. It's an excellent choice for people with not much money to spend. It's also very high in protein. iow, it's good food.
I used to buy processed pepper jack cheese to make nachos, it was so yummy and melted very well. I grew up on kraft too. Walnut cheese from Germany is also processed.
Oh no, hopefully that’s not discouraging. Maybe there’s an adjustment period? Sugar withdrawal? (is that a thing?). I know that guts can go through some adjustment if diet changes to include more veg and fibre, but it will settle down fairly quickly. It’s just a bit of a shock to the microbiome.