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New Power Generator Manager update, version (New backgrounds, new accent colors...)

New Power Generator Manager update, version (New backgrounds, new accent colors...)

Yet another unplanned update, but regardless, it brings some massive updates out of the box, including the early background change and a bunch of neat improvements!


  • While making this update, I remembered VioneT's comment in my post about the Generator Jam:

    I also recommend that if you made something, post it/share it, do not be discouraged about how unfinished it is, how bad it is, or how silly it is. If you are looking to learn, then you need feedback and someone to point you in the right direction. Some people may give negative comments, but that as well is feedback.

    Yes indeed. And there will be even more updates (or maybe experiments) to cover the incompleteness in my hub page even more. 🙂