Two short weeks in a row feels about right as far as work/life balance is concerned. Dreaming that the four day work week becomes the norm before I retire in about 20yrs
On the one hand I'm keen for a 4 day week, but on the other... How is it going to work from a dollar value point of view? We're in a trade and we exchange our labour for an hourly rate. If we're going to be getting paid the same amount of money (as the theory goes) in a 32 hour week instead of a 40 hour week, our hourly rate will have to go up to cover the difference. Which makes us more expensive. Which means the people using us have to put their fees/charges/income-generator up. And now whoever buys their product/service has to charge more or earn more to cover it. Repeat until we all earn infinity but still have zero buying power.
I can only comment to what I've read. It's been trialled in many companies and countries worldwide. The general trials pay employees the same wage, as they almost unanimously find that productivity increases. People fit the same amount of work into four days (maybe working longer hours those days) because they are more refreshed each week. Even better, the productivity increases seem to be maintained over time.
As the old saying goes, work always expands to fill the time available.
It might not work for every business but it's worth looking at.