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Ondsel survey: Over 75% of FreeCAD users are willing to pay to see it improved Over 75% of FreeCAD users are willing to pay to see it improved | Ondsel

This is the last post in the series where we discuss the takeaways from our recent user research. We already looked at basic demographics data and the use of 3rd-party addons for getting a job done. Now it’s time to talk about things that annoy users so much they are willing to pay to get these issu...

Over 75% of FreeCAD users are willing to pay to see it improved | Ondsel

From the article:

Note: as a for-profit company, we are certainly interested in knowing what users are willing to pay for. If we’re going to survive, we have to do that. But that was not our primary motivation in asking these specific questions. FreeCAD is not only free-as-in-speech, it’s also free-as-in-beer. We wanted to know if that was the main reason that people use it.

Our thinking is that if users are willing to sacrifice financially to make the software better, then it means they value the ‘free-as-in-freedom’ aspect of FreeCAD even more. It would give us confidence that we can build a business model that gives users real value and is also financially sustainable. We were blown-away by the results.

  • I will not support this. I love FOSS, and would not have learned without FreeCAD. The vast majority of FreeCAD users are not on any one platform. Claiming that any one platform's polling results are relevant to the majority is patently false. I do not support a for profit company doing anything like this and look at this as a potential path to hostile future actions by the likes of worthless companies I despise like Autodesk. For profit ultimately mean for sale to a bigger fish and that always leads to exploitation. Such a move is the eventual implosion of FreeCAD. I am very sad to see any for profit involvement in FreeCAD.