A leaked video appears to show Republican officials at a meeting held by an anti-abortion group pushing for women to be prosecuted for having abortions.
imagine the immense opportunity. I don't know how they wouldn't all think about the power being given to them. the pool of candidates. the legacy. but Biden won't even nominate 2 more because he doesn't actually care.
In other words, you can't give a reason for Sinema and Manchin to support Biden if he did this or name two Republicans.
Because as far as I can tell, the 'immense opportunity' would also be there to say no to every single judge and not allow Biden to increase the size of the Supreme Court. Which they would totally do since even plenty of Democrats would be against it.
Why you think this is a politically winning issue I don't know. If it were, it would have been done already by other presidents. Do you think Clinton would have had a court with Thomas, Scalia and all the other Republican appointees? Do you think Clinton would have dealt with Rehnquist as chief justice if he didn't have to?
Even FDR had the Supreme Court working against him. Why didn't he expand the court so all of his New Deal programs would pass? Do you think maybe it's because it is not something the Senate would ever agree to or do you think FDR was just less popular than Biden?
So what would the point of Biden trying be exactly? Because it sounds purely performative and the Senate already wastes way too much time on performative bullshit.
He could literally do nothing about the Dobbs decision. It was entirely out of his hands. The executive branch does not control the judicial branch. That's the whole point of the separation of powers.