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Tired Today

I’m not sure if I’m coming down with a cold or what but damn I just want to go back to bed.

  • I hope it's not a cold, there's a lot of that going around at the moment

  • Honestly I've heard of a few ppl I know who got sick recently.

    Do you have allergies by chance? They suck the life out of me dude and I feel like I'm dying trying to get out of bed. So drowsy and sleepy to.

    It's frustrating. I never had allergies my entire life either until 3 years ago.

    Do you take vitamins on the daily also?

    • No allergies and yeah I take vitamins.

      I had a sore throat yesterday and that’s how colds always start for me.

      I think I’ll brew some tea and see if that perks me up. Coffee didn’t do shit for me this morning.