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/kbin meta Sam_uk

KBIN running OK on $10/month managed service KBIN fully managed open source service |

Deploy KBIN on and get a working dedicated instance in less than 3 minutes. You can Relax knowing that we are taking care for you of install, configuration, encryption, backups, software updates, os upgrades, live monitoring, alerts, live migrations without downtime ... and more! Kbin is a ...

I've been running a Kbin server on a service called for around a week.

Had a few teething troubles configuring caching, but that should work out of the box now.

If you can point & click on stuff in a semi-sensible manner then you could run your own instance for yourself, a specific community/sub.

I've configured mine as a news aggregator:

You could subscribe to the main magazine here !worldnews do the install, configuration, encryption, backups, software updates, os upgrades, live monitoring, alerts, live migrations without downtime.

I'm not connected with them in any way other than as a customer.

/kbin meta jbenguira

We are launching KBIN fully managed service

113 53
  • @Sam_uk

    I've been running one.

    The basic service gets overloaded quickly and you'll need to upgrade if you get any traction at all.

    Also, since KBin federation is broken, it's not great

  • It looks like you don't have caching on that site.

    In the WebUI go: Security > Nginx config

    Uncomment this section, editing the 600s section.

    proxy_cache_valid any 600s;
    add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
    proxy_ignore_headers Cache-Control;
    proxy_cache_methods GET HEAD;
    proxy_cache_bypass $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache;
    proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504;

    Press the Update & Restart Nginx button. Pages should then load in ~2sec rather than ~4sec

  • I found I had problems initially until I properly sorted out caching. Then I threw a few hundred visitors at it and it's been fine. $10 would be OK for small communities I think, but you're right in that big communities will need big servers.

    What problems are you having with federation? The news here is posted from into, then federated back to[email protected]