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Favorite Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes?

Been a big fan of Star Trek: Next Gen since I was a kid, and finally decided to start watching Deep Space Nine after hearing good things about it (and after finding a way to watch it for free). So far im loving it, and it does a lot of things better than Next Gen surprisingly! So what are your favorite episodes of Deep Space Nine?

  • @StrahdVonZarovich “Duet” is hands down the best for me. That final monologue is tears for me every time. “The Visitor” was another standout that was a big impact when we watched it as a family back in the 90s

  • Hmm, “Duet” has already been mentioned, but the season 2 finale “The Jem’Hadar” is where the show really comes into its own for me. Also “Past Tense”, “Trials and Trible-ations”, “The Way of the Warrior”, and pretty much the entire last three seasons. Some fun one-offs would be “Our Man Bashir”, “Bada Bing Bada Bang”, and “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”. Some more dramatic ones would include “The Siege of AR-558” and “It’s Only a Paper Moon”. Then of course “In the Pale Moonlight” and “Far Beyond the Stars” are some of the best in all of Star Trek.

  • Early season favorite: Season 1, Episode 19, "Duet"

    Kira is a great character in DS9.