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[Plugin] UFOs

Thought it cute how humans very rarely like one in a bajillion are like I SAW A UFO

So here is a plugin that adds this facet of reality and now humans can occasionally see UFO's without even leaving the comfort of their computer.

  • @Alllo It's cool, I noticed the "similarities" to the "dots" effect on my milestone announcement page but this time it appears less often, one at a time, flies to another edge of the page without disappearing, and has an UFO kind of styled. They both fly around the screen, though.

    I wonder if this could be used for like applying it on sci-fi-based generators to make them even cooler...

    • i noticed the similarities too!
      It was inspired by a show about UFO's, not your page, but while making it I remembered your flying lights and how similar they are :)

      i was also thinking flying buttons for the jam might be fun!

      ya great idea for this being purposely on a sci fi generator. ooooh imagine if each is clickable and has pilots/crew/stats. could be fun :)